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Worship Ministry

Praise & Worship

Every worship service in our church is a personal, uplifting worship experience. Our services are geared for participation. We typically worship as we live, with enthusiasm.

Worship Service on SundayCottage Meetings

Sunday services takes place inside the church sanctuary. All singing and prayer are led and the Word of God is preached from  the pulpit. Our church services are lead in both Malayalam, and English. A typical Sunday service in our church may or may not include the following components:

Bible classes for all ages
Children's Worship

Bible-oriented activities are often provided for pre-school and elementary-age children. At this level, young children are taught to sing, pray, memorize Scripture and learn important Bible truths. They are instructed and led in worship at their own levels.


Music is a major feature of our worship, before, during and even after the service itself. Instruments may range from piano and organ to synthesizers, guitars, horns and drums, to full-scale orchestras. Whatever the accompaniment, inspired singing is the order of the day. Any given service may include traditional hymns, hand-clapping gospel songs, contemporary compositions or reverent worshipful choruses.

Music will include both congregational and special ministries — solos, duets, ensembles, choirs, instrumentals. Our churches make music more than a performance; it’s the music of worship.


A special time in the service is devoted to prayer. Needs from inside and outside the church family frequently are made known. The congregation prays together. All may pray aloud but conclude with a single voice, the worship leader or other designated person praying in behalf of all.

Ministry to the sick

As in the New Testament, specific prayer may be offered for the sick. They will be invited forward to be anointed with oil (James 5:13-16) and/or have the ministers, leaders or other believers lay hands on them and pray (Mark 16:18).


During the service, tithes and offerings will be received. More than a collection to pay church bills, this too is worship. Our members feel giving the tithe (the first tenth of income) and offerings declares that God comes first. It recognizes His blessing, expresses faith and seeks His guidance in every matter in life.

Our church and its activities are supported solely by free-will giving. However, visitors need not feel obligated to give.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion takes place the Sunday after a Fasting Prayer.

Spiritual Gifts

An interesting aspect of our worship is the operation of spiritual gifts. The planned service order may be suspended as individuals speak or share as prompted by the Holy Spirit, under the supervision of the pastor (1 Corinthians, 12-14).

One may speak out in an unknown tongue, a Spirit-guided language other than that of the congregation. Another individual, or perhaps the same one, will then give the interpretation. On other occasions, the Spirit may prompt someone to speak out, to prophesy, in the language of the congregation. The gift of prophecy, the gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation, and other spiritual gifts bring the church immediate challenge and confirm Bible truths.

Challenging Messages

The climax of the service comes with the preaching of God’s Word, the Bible, and an invitation for hearers to respond. The messages are fervent, inspiring and practical.

The pastor or speaker may close with an invitation for those who need forgiveness in their lives to come forward and accept Christ as Savior. Those who feel a need to rededicate their lives to Christ or to pray about other concerns are also invited to come. Believers are urged to ask God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit to further empower them for Christian service. Often everyone is invited to come pray during the altar service.

Cottage Meetings

A Cottage Prayer Meeting is a time set aside for a small group of God’s people to gather in a host home for the purpose of praying for the specific needs of the church’s ministry.

Cottage meetings are not a substitute for attending church, but they represent a valuable supplement that facilitates the consistent achievement of vital teaching and fellowship tasks that are at times difficult to accomplish by more traditional methods. Quality fellowshipping in cottage meetings is almost inevitable, and the relationships that develop are much stronger than those developed in Sunday meetings by a greeting or a handshake in the hall. All this is achieved while simultaneously reaching multiple people within a limited time.

We meet on every Saturday at 7:00 PM at different locations, and the prayer focus is on specific areas of interest or concern. For exact prayer locations please refer to the calendar or contact the Church Secretary. Our Church families are encouraged to invite friends and families to this meeting.

A typical order of service for our cottage meetings consists of Opening Prayer, Praise & Worship, Intercessory Prayer, Sermon by Pastor or invited Guests, and a Closing Prayer.
