A Cottage Prayer Meeting is a time set aside for a small group of God’s people to gather in a host home for the purpose of praying for the specific needs of the church’s ministry.
Cottage meetings are not a substitute for attending church, but they represent a valuable supplement that facilitates the consistent achievement of vital teaching and fellowship tasks that are at times difficult to accomplish by more traditional methods. Quality fellowshipping in cottage meetings is almost inevitable, and the relationships that develop are much stronger than those developed in Sunday meetings by a greeting or a handshake in the hall. All this is achieved while simultaneously reaching multiple people within a limited time.
We meet on every Friday and Saturday at 7:30PM at different locations, and the prayer focus is on specific areas of interest or concern. For exact prayer locations please refer to the calendar or contact the Church Secretary. Our Church families are encouraged to invite friends and families to this meeting.
A typical order of service for our cottage meetings consists of Opening Prayer, Praise & Worship, Intercessory Prayer, Sermon by Pastor or invited Guests, and a Closing Prayer.